
New candyland characters
New candyland characters

5.3 Other references in popular culture.The Nutcracker comes up with one, though - he asks Minnie if she'd be his princess and stay in Candyland with them, which she happily agrees to do. Goofy then asks the narrator how the story ends, but the narrator doesn't know, since the last few pages got torn out. No longer evil, the prince thanks the Nutcracker for changing him back in time for the ending. The sugar turns the Rat King back into the handsome prince he used to be (who resembles Conrad).


The Rat King makes up his own ending in which he takes over Candyland (or stops the actual show in the TV version, which confuses the rest of the cast), but the Nutcracker puts a stop to this by clouting him with a bag of sugar. He then peeks ahead in the story, sees that he's supposed to get arrested by the sheriff and promptly tears that page out of the book. During this, the Rat King ties up the narrator and then takes over the story, saying that everyone got sick on the candy they ate. Minnie is then introduced to the town's candymasters, the dentist and the sheriff, who engage in song and dance. The mayor declares Minnie as Candyland's national heroine for saving the Nutcracker's life. The Nutcracker and Minnie arrive at Candyland, where they're greeted by the mayor. The Rat King then overhears the narrator talking about Minnie and the Nutcracker going to Candyland and worries about having to go there. The Snowflake Queen tries to cast a spell of her own on him, but her wand shorts out, so she decides to call Acme Exterminating. After the pair depart, the Rat King suddenly shows up in the forest, looking for the mice. Shortly into their journey, they arrive at the Enchanted Snowflake Forest, where they meet and dance with the Dancing Snowflakes and their leader, the Queen of the Snowflakes (who, as Minnie notices, resembles Ethel). The Nutcracker, grateful to Minnie for saving his life, offers to take her to his home kingdom, Candyland, using a sleigh as their mode of transportation. The rats quickly escape and the soldiers go off to get another snack. The soldiers knock out the Henchrats and Minnie conks out the Rat King when he attempts to kill the Nutcracker. The Rat King announces his plans to ruin Christmas and picks a fight with the Nutcracker and his soldiers, but Minnie tells them that she won't have a big fight going on in her house. The narrator explains that the Rat King was once a handsome prince who was put under an evil curse that can only be undone by the thing rat kings hate most - sugar. After the narrator introduces them to the leads, the rats' leader, the Rat King, arrives. After their song, the soldiers and the mice go to get some snacks when suddenly, an evil pack of rats shows up. He explains to Minnie that every year on Christmas Eve, he comes to life, accompanied by his friends - a quintet of tap-dancing singing tin soldiers, with their leader resembling Tina. When midnight strikes, Mickey the Nutcracker suddenly comes to life. After the party (which the narrator remarks to the other characters needs to be over in order to continue the story), Minnie, too excited to sleep, starts dancing with her new nutcracker. The story's narrator then arrives to give Minnie her Christmas present - a nutcracker in the likeness of Mickey Mouse. The show opens with Minnie Mouse hosting a Christmas party at her house, attended by fellow Disney characters Pluto, Goofy, Chip 'n' Dale, Roger Rabbit and Tigger, along with human neighbors Conrad, Tina and Ethel.

New candyland characters